
The Future of Artificial Intelligence is Here: Introducing Graphen AI Platform Ardi 1.0

By Susan Hu

Graphen has recently announced the release of its next-gen AI platform, Ardi, the first end-to-end next-gen AI system with all the major functions the team had envisioned and worked on over the last three years.

Built by a group of industry leaders with over 15 years of experience in AI Security and AI Finance, Ardi is a comprehensive system to create advanced, enterprise-level AI solutions upon. Its seven key modules include Database, Analytics, Reasoning, Learning, Strategy, Explanation and Pipeline.

Alt Text Ardi utilizes Graph Database and Analytics to detect collective, contextual anomalies and determine aggregated risks, increasing accuracy significantly with behavior reasoning and prediction. Its Machine Learning and Reasoning incorporate Bayesian Network, which improves risk behavior prediction accuracy by 10 to 100 times. Ardi provides a holistic problem-solving approach based on various scenarios of stress tests, what-if conditions, etc. Its AI explainer provides local interpretable model-agnostic explanations. The system allows a streamlined pipeline to manage the complex workflow.

On July 31, 2020 Graphen team received the second place in the ACM Multimedia 2020 Grand Challenge. Built upon the foundation of Ardi, the team designed a state-of-the-art system for the Deep Video Understanding Benchmark which combines vision, audio, speech and language analyses.

As Ardi was being developed over the last few years, Graphen has built and deployed many advanced AI Security, Finance and Medical and solutions with its next-gen technology. Advanced Insider Threat Monitoring and Detection, Fraud Detection, Core Banking Monitoring, Anti-Money Laundering, Non-Performing Loan Prediction, Genome and Proteome Analytics, to name just a few.

With the release of Ardi 1.0, Graphen is ready to bring a fundamental advancement to the AI space to help create advanced, scalable AI solutions.

"It is a critical moment as we integrate different AI modules to complete this foundational system, upon which we will be able to build advanced AI solutions across industries more effortlessly," Says Dr. Ching-Yung Lin, Founder and CEO of Graphen, "This will bring a revolution in the AI applications for enterprises."

If you want to learn more about AI, Graphen's Ardi, and how it can help you and your business, please reach out to me at susanhu@graphen.ai.